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Rejected ideas, duplicates, and topics that are no longer relevant.
Global filtering of keyshops/keystore/risks?
Add DRM on /games/pc/ for correct pricing
Set platform as default when opening main website
Meta store
Historical Low Percentage
Missing e mail , sms, two-factor authentication ?
Add a Bundles Section
Allow Keyshops in Alerts
Allow custom defaults for the "create alert" dialogue
Import Wishlist from isthereanydeal?
Alerts not syncing with wishlist
Is there a way to flag deals that aren't accurate?
Price history filtered by DRM
Make price history adhere to saved DRM/Shop preferences
Enable/Disable specific keyshops permanently
Keyshops price is not included for new historic low prices
Sort by Steam rating
Full control of presets
Ignore "free" from historic low
Will the game one day be available to other devices ?
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