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We plan to add these features in the near future.
ENEBA discount code 5% off Gift cards doesn't work for some Gift Cards.
Alerts for keyshop prices
Remove alerts when the game is added to my collection
Mark owned and wishlisted games more prominently
Voidu missing from game pages
Public GG.deals wishlist / collection - sharing them with friends
RTX/Raytracing and DLSS/FSR/XeSS as tags
Display current lowest & historical price on Alert list.
Option to create default settings for alerts
Show total value in bundles, wishlist and collection
Receiving alerts for wishlist items after they're in my collection
Strange/innacurate stores count in alerts.
Fix "GOG exclusives" and "Epic Games Stores" exclusives filters.
Automatically sync Alerts from Wishlist
Alerts that beat the target price (not just match it)
Automatically update target price in Alerts
Add "Raytracing" filter tag