This is a very good and sensible solution, which I'd recommend this is put towards the top of the list on planned feedback.
All sites that host adult content (which gg.deals does deriving from the adult game images hosted) should have settings for NSFW content.
Steam does this, and there may be a certain legal reasons in some regions that requires sites to ask the users age.
But on a basic implementation of the original feedback. I would suggest an account setting, default off, to see NSFW content.
If off, when the user visits a NSWF game page, a prompt is first shown before viewing the content.
I know steam has the 'has_adult_content_sex' property for games, which could be used by the site for knowing when to trigger this prompt.
As said you could use the tags.
You could even extend a system like this to warn users viewing games based on user blacklisted tags, e.g. Gore/Violent etc. But that is starting to creep out of scope of the original feedback.