We recently introduced some big changes on the forum:
- We have simplified the forum categories: they are now: "feedback", "announcements", and "general discussion"
- You can now vote on topics from the feedback category! Your votes will help us determine, which feature requests have the highest priority
- We have added the dark mode switch on the forum
- We have simplified the forum login. If you're already logged in on GG.deals, you can log in on the forum with just 1 click! No need for two registrations!
- We have refreshed the colors on the forum - starting from the page background and ending with labels and buttons
- I have also spent half of my weekend organizing the discussion here - splitting single comments into separate discussions, merging duplicates etc. Ultimately, we want to have a separate topic for each valid feature request.
Please vote for the features that you find the most important. Not only you will help us organize the feedback, but also, we might begin working on your awaited feature sooner!