We've improved our sale articles:
- From now on, our articles will include the full list of games on sale, not just recommendations
- We've added pagination to the table of discounts for convenient browsing of long lists.
- You can now sort & filter the table of discounts inside articles! You can also search the table for any game!
➡️ Epic Games Summer Sale: https://gg.deals/deal/epic-games-store-summer-sale-2022-up-to-90-off/
➡️ Xbox Ultimate Game Sale: https://gg.deals/deal/microsoft-store-summer-sale-2022-is-now-live-with-over-200-discounts/
➡️ Fanatical Gaming Legends Sale: https://gg.deals/deal/fanatical-gaming-legends-sale-great-offers-on-monster-hunter-world-deus-ex-mankind-divided-and-more/