I've paid more for just "the demo" than this pack was available for and ... I haven't even installed it yet.
pikikd The best thing about Metal Gear V for me is probably the freedom of choices, meaning that you can approach mission however you like.
I still haven't played those, but have them on my soon to be installed list. I think you can try the Hitman™ if you haven't yet. I haven't played any real stealthy game before it or any "shooter" since Quake III Arena era. This game also gives you freedom of how you'd like to approach your mission - you can do everything stealthily, touching only your targets unnoticed, even without changing your clothes or if you'd like to, you can disguise yourself as Johny Rambo and wreak havok (no, that's not possible actually, but if you'd like to become Bloody Santa, why not).