remike Thank you for that crazy implementation, love it !
But the Humble price appears discounted on a game page, but isn't displayed discounted on a list (like ).
For example : i have a 10% discount with Choice, activated in my GG settings.
In Best game deals view (default one, that comes on the main webpage of GG, link above), "The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt" has its best price at Humble, at 5.99€. The Choice discount isn't applied here.

If i click on the game to open its web page, the discount appears :

This means that the best price for a game can be hidden (if the best price is Humble+Choice discount).
In my example, if Steam sell it for 5.49, the Best Deals view would have displayed Steam price, and not Humble+Choice discount price.
Is it possible to show the discount everywhere on GG ?