Pwn My heart skipped a beat when I saw Binding of Isaac Rebirth at the top of the Best Deals section, on sale for a measly $3. Cue my disappointment when I find out it's just a bootleg with stolen name and images from the game. I don't know if it was picked up automatically by the site on accident, but this is certainly not legit... From what I've been seeing bootlegs (anything from indies to Animal Crossing) popping up on the Microsoft Store is becoming increasingly more common. While this is something for Microsoft to deal with, it might be a good idea to avoid automatically adding games from the Microsoft Store for now?
Kr33gn4r Remember to report this game on the Microsoft Store and if someone can - contact Edmund McMillen on Twitter
Pwn Kr33gn4r I reported it on the Microsoft Store before making the post but it doesn't seem to have done anything yet. I'm not sure how I could go about contacting the developers of the original game because I don't really have any social media, but I'd appreciate if someone can bring this to their attention.
Kr33gn4r It was removed from although it still stays on ms store Thanks devs, my friend almost bought this piece of dung so nice of you to remove this scam
Furrek This "offer" is already removed from Binding of Isaac Rebirth game card. It will probably take more time for Microsoft to take action.