wojtek Each link has additional ID after the main URL: https://gg.deals/pl/game/sherlock-holmes-the-devil-s-daughter//1/01020177af519a0f-ebcb33d5-6894-425b-b6ab-5f1b04a6c025-000000/_ABEW-IPKTcfyM3SNDbQj8ayZ2U=202 which causes "Oooops! Looks like you got lost. We can't seem to find the page you're looking for." Removing the junk and leaving only main URL: https://gg.deals/pl/game/sherlock-holmes-the-devil-s-daughter/ works.
rob006 Do you have any browser plugin that may affect URLs in your message? This ID should be removed during redirection, unless URL is misinterpreted at some point.
rob006 We've disabled clicks tracking in email, since generated URLs were not properly parsed by some email clients. All links in new messages should work fine now.