McGeezle That's not really fair. Not all of us have the money to buy a game immediately even below our target price. We might have the alerts on and intend on buying it once payday comes, but we can't all snatch it up immediately unless it's a really good deal. That doesn't mean we should be forced to be spammed with dozens of emails everyday.
Some have it set to "new historical low" though if that's only a couple cents lower than the current one that hardly makes it worth it to buy. Others have to set to the new lowest price which also isn't necessarily as low as the person hopes. We're not just talking about a few alerts a day here. We're talking dozens or hundreds because of how much prices can fluctuate slightly.
Even if you want to put that on the user, that doesn't mean that the costs to send all those emails wouldn't still be high. It strains servers and can be expensive. especially if lots of folks have "new lowest deal" on which is the default. I got 6 emails today because I accidentally had that on. Lord help me if it was with keyshops. Multiple that by 100k people and I wouldn't be surprised if the servers could be overloaded to the point of crashing.
I'd much prefer to wait for a better way to integrate this so it works more like official stores than regret choosing that option cause I'm getting spammed with a dozen emails everyday cause the price dropped by one cent.