Unlike ITAD and any other price comparison site, GG.deals (starting today) shows EGS prices inclusive of the Epic coupon! đ
Epic coupons are easily accessible to everyone - you just need to collect your free game on EGS (such as Civilization VI right now). Once you purchase your game, you get another Epic coupon for your next purchase. In fact, it's difficult NOT to buy a game with such coupon, since they are automatically applied at checkout. Therefore we felt like implementing the coupons on GG.deals is an absolute neccesity đ
We've built support for EGS coupons, bearing in mind the minimum price conditions (min 14.99 USD or equivalent). The Epic coupon is automatically applied to all relevant products on GG.deals.
The new feature had a huge impact on our historical low statistics so be sure to check out the new ACCURATE historic lows https://gg.deals/deals/historical-lows/ đ