Axel The Gamebillet 11.81$CAD of Battlefront II refers to the old 2005 one, not the new 2017 one as it should
Aransalou The Green Man Gaming one seems to be available only in the United States.
SenorGrande Hello. Crazy Machines 3 shown on GG for 0,85 € from GreenMan Gaming for weeks, but this price isn't correct.
Furrek SenorGrande That's the price we are getting from their data feed. I have disabled this product for time being. Thanks for report!
thoughtfulhippo Wasteland 3 pre-order price is incorrect. Instead it is showing the Digital Deluxe Upgrade price instead.
Aransalou Appears like available, but on HRK is actually unavailable.
Turbanator911 Idk if this is necessarily an incorrect price, but the following two games are actually eligible for a 25% off coupon on GreenManGaming with code GG25. This is cheaper than the currently listed price on the pages for the same vendor.
Turbanator911 The listing for Under Night In-Birth EXE:Late[cl-r] ( has a keyshop page that lies about the products included. I ordered the game from ( and instead received this game: Support refused to help me or punish the seller involved. I'd say Wyrel should be delisted entirely, but at the very least that game should have that keyshop entry removed because it is not what is listed.
Furrek Turbanator911 I'm sorry to hear that 🙁 These Wyrel products are now removed from the game card.
_retr0_ Idk if this thread is where I should post it, but NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Legacy ( doesn't show a price on Steam, where it is currently on sale:
Furrek _retr0_ "Bundle" type of Steam products are not supported yet on, sorry about the inconvenience!