First reason - it reminds me of Slack that I am using at work ... really, those two apps are simply just two clones. Aside from Discord having a game store now, to me those two apps look identical and work for the exact same purpose. If someone would tell me that Slack has skins (maybe has, I never tried searching for such functionality) I'd say that this black skin on Slack looks great ...
Second - like I've mentioned, it's good for "shoutbox" like functionality. Write, talk, forget. Problems start, when you have big community, a lot of topics/discussions split into small number of channels and you want to find anything that someone mentioned just yesterday. I wish you luck. Worse. Someone has posted files (scipts) month or more time ago, but in a channel that is used for this purpose only - no chance to find anything there. I received files I (and some other guy, who actually told me about those) couldn't find directly from other user.
So yes, I am glad that remike (I feel strange when I start writing nick beginning with small letter :/) thinks about this option but at the same time, it is, again, good for big communities. I don't know how Discord works for channel owners, but I know how it looks in case of Slack. It is free tool, but at some point you'd have to pay for it. I guess that using paid option for just small shoutbox, that maybe won't have too many traffic is not an option. At the same time, adding shoutbox to this site ... usually these are placed at the bottom of forum websites and usually I never reach that deep ;P