We felt like the "Most wanted" parameter has become a little too static. For the last 6 months, pretty much the same games stayed on top: Nier Automata, followed by Divinity: Origin Sin 2 and Frostpunk. Since these games constantly get so much exposition, the new wishlist occurences come easier for them - people add to wishlist manually games that are best exposed. It's a vicious circle.
This is why we have created a new parameter that measures games popularity - a parameter based on clicks. The more users click on the game, the higher the game is in that ranking. We only look back at the last 72 hours to make sure that the trends are dynamic.
The new "popularity" parameter is now the default way of sorting all games on "\games" view. Old sorting is now called "wishlist count" and it's still available for you if you prefer to use it instead.