@warhameron If Kickstarter or any other additional integration would be added, then it could be a clear win for GG. Simply for a reason of REALLY having something more.
For now GG already have something more - regional prices tracking. That's a big bonus (but I hope it works in more regions than the "big ones" + Poland), but only for people that are not living in main steam regions (e.g. here in Poland). For most people ITAD is just enough and having steam integration means they don't need GG, as ITAD tracks their prices already. Pros written by OP, e.g. better design etc. mean nothing, when you just click once and see what you need without any more hassle. That's exactly why I started thread about the need for steam integration sometime earlier. It's not tough to write such browser plugin, but it requires some API on GG's side.
btw, I still haven't voted. There is no clear win for me.