darkwind It seems that Hellgate London will be on steam I always wanted to play that game but it disappeared so fast.
Maikeru darkwind O may... I think if this game will have any price deal, I will buy this game. When i was little, i want play this game so much.
Furrek Takelot Info from the game's Steam store page: RETURN OF THE HELLGATE: LONDON ON STEAM! With the support of many fans, developers have been able to offer the latest version of Hellgate: London game in the Steam. Hellgate: London provides a single play environment with the latest version (Version 2.0) of the Hellgate: Tokyo service. The game provides single play optimized scenario contents and premium support items.
[deleted] Game that wanted to be everything and ended up as nothing....... I bet the price will be no less than 20 bucks.
[deleted] warhameron There is still a fps drop bug............. they fixed nothing.............. funny.