DrakeHerder The voucher codes for Gamesplanet are either not working or cannot be applied to any of the games that they have been referenced in in the main page. Not sure if this is a mistake on Gamesplanet part or if the conditions for them are simply not met by the vast majority of the games.
Sanlu I can confirm too. It is a shame that the 'only for some games' codes are getting displayed for a lot of games here in GG deals. Someone has fucked up the site. These are the working ones: https://gg.deals/vouchers/gamesplanet/ The 71% coupon is for Dying Light 2, as Fennir said.
Sanlu It seems to be fixed now. The invalid coupons are not displayed. But the historial lows are wrong, I suspect forever, fucking up all the alerts. That's very sad. Well, thanks for the quick fix.
rob006 Sanlu But the historial lows are wrong, I suspect forever, fucking up all the alerts. Historical lows should be fixed already - let us know if you find any leftovers from this incident.
remike Hey everyone, I just wanted to personally apologize for the mix-up with the discount codes on Gamesplanet. One of our team members made a mistake, and we're really sorry for any confusion it caused. We'll do our best to make sure this doesn't happen again. Thanks for understanding!
Sanlu rob006 Thank you very much for the quick fix on everything and the informative message. I appreciate.
[deleted] wojtek the worst part is they say they fixed it, but you will still have the alerts with false prices...oooooops
wojtek [deleted] yeah I think they don't remove the notifications afterwards, only fixed the prices on the page but looking on those prices is such a pain ;_; 😃