Up to recently I have never bought any game in preorder or even soon after release. That is why I've chosen "new games are overpriced" 😃 But yes, there are two games I have bought in preorder as of now: Pillars of Eternity II and Hitman™ 2 (first released, 2nd will be released next month). Both of them were bought at relatively low prices (I've paid less for Hitman™2 Gold edition, than for it's predecessor).
Will I get more preorders? Probably Hitman™ 3 if 2nd part would be as good as previous one, but only if I'd be able to buy it from our "brothers Moskals" again at reasonable price. I don't think there is anything else for now (no option for Battle for Middle-Earth 3 T_T).
There is one more title, which I'd be able to purchase as preorder, I think, that maybe even at full price on steam store, or, if there will be such preorder option - as collectors edition. That game would be Legacy of Kain 6 or Legacy of Kain: Redux. I can say that, because I don't have high hopes for such titles to show up. Surely, if I could go back in time, I would buy the last one of them - Legacy of Kain: Defiance. At the time I wasn't working yet and couldn't buy this game (while it's price was actually way lower than what we have to pay now for AAAs). In the end I don't even own original release, just some cheaper re-release.