Here is the list of changes on today:
We have added support for Opencritic scores. You can now:
- view the Opencritic stats of an individual game in the sidebar of game cards
- view the Opencritic stats of an individual game in the sidebar of Deals & Games views
- filter by Opencritic stats in the Reviews filter (Rating, Top Critics Average, Critics Recommend)
- sort Games & Deals by Opencritic top critic average parameter
Some filters have been organized into smaller categories that will keep the filter tidy. For example, the "Features" filter is now divided into the following sections: Universal, PC related, Steam related, Xbox related and VR support.
We have new options available in the features filter. You can now browse games that support the following features: AMD FSR 2, AMD FSR 3, DLAA, DLSS, DLSS2.0, DLSS 3.0, DLSS3.5, Ray Tracing, Full Ray Tracing
We have redesigned the filters where you set a numerical range (from - to) - they should now be more enjoyable to use.